Our Book with Confidence pledge allows you to cancel your booking, for any reason, up to and including 2 weeks before you are due to arrive and receive a full 100% refund.
Can I cancel for any reason?
Yes. You can cancel for any reason but must be more than 14 days before arrival. There are no forms to fill in, we do not require evidence or doctors notes. We require written notice of cancellation by email from the email address attached to the booking.
What if I cancel within 2 weeks prior to arrival?
Bookings cancelled within 2 weeks of arrival are not refundable. For example – if you are arriving on a Monday, you can cancel up to the end of Sunday two weeks before.
We require written notice of cancellation by email from the email address attached to the booking. The date and time stamp attached to the email we receive will be provided as evidence of cancellation.
If I have to cancel what do I get back and when?
You will receive 100% of payments made. Refund payments are processed on the departure date of the cancelled booking.
Is Covid-19 included?
Yes. Whether it is because you do not want to risk becoming unwell, whether you are isolating or if there is a government lockdown.